Meeting the 5G Network Challenge:
Ringside Seat™
Podcast Series #7
Leapfrogging China/Awakening from the 5G Trance: An Action Plan for the Next President
Panelists: Julian Gresser; Timothy Schoechle, PhD; Camilla Rees, MBA; and T. W. Kang, MBA
Julian Gresser Timothy Schoechle Camilla Rees T. W. Kang
5G Ringside Seat Podcasts introduces the work of leading experts, working on the new frontier of 5G law, policy, science, technology, and innovation. Although the goal is to cause a redirect toward a safer, greener, more resilient, and life affirming national and international industrial infrastructure, many different perspectives are welcome, expressed by distinguished panelists, in a spirit of free, open, and respectful dialogue.
- One argument raised against the thesis of Reinventing Wires is that it is prohibitively expensive to “wire the entire country.” Actually, the authors argue that a national program based on fiber-optic wires are far less expensive than the wireless option; and the only reason fiber optics wired appears more expensive is the wireless industry has intentionally made it so by misdirecting tax funds and rate overcharges . This is the subject of a separate Ringside Seat Podcast and the Irregulators v. FCC litigation currently before the DC Circuit.
- Of course, the big elephant in the room that the panelists did not address is how to address RFR exposure of the general public outside the home or office by cell phone users and the supporting towers? Here the principles of reasonable balance and community choice can guide us to practical solutions. As communities and their leaders become more aware of the harms of RFR exposure. Especially as the medical community learns more about the new field of Clinical Electromagnetics, some communities may decide to designate mobile free zones, providing margins of safety in ordinances requiring cell tower installers to beam their signals away from these RFR mobile free areas. In time it is not inconceivable that some municipalities may opt to become 5G Free cities, following the examples of smoke free cities such as Santa Barbara, California, and the international slow cities movement. Such changes will require time and involve deep cultural shifts in awareness and consciousness.
- Implementing the strategy proposed in Reinventing Wires is well within the legal powers of local communities and is not preempted by section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Highlights/Core Questions
- Why do we need 5G when much of what 5G offers can be accomplished with 4G linked to fiber optic wired networks? The question is whether the unique benefits of 5G are worth the tradeoff costs in health, environment, and privacy?
- A Gartner Group study notes AI-related job creation will reach two million net-new jobs in 2025, but at the same time predicts job losses of 29% by 2030 with only 13% job creation to compensate. See: Is AI Going to Be A Jobs Killer?
- The fiber-wired option has a venerable history in rural electrification in the 1930s which was conceived and implemented as a powerful job creation engine.
- The 5G/AI/Internet of Things FCC/wireless industry-driven industrial policy is dependent upon a massive subsidy paid for by the public in the form of the uncompensated health, environmental, and privacy costs of millions of people around the world. It is called the “Public Pays Principle.” The public has not been informed nor approved the assignment of these costs. The 5G business model is not sustainable if these costs are internalized to the industry.
- Will 5G/AI/Internet of Things make us more or less human; and who is the “us” we are discussing?
- Hyperpolarization and trans-humanism are a lethal combination, because “Heart” is totally missing from the equation.
- When Heart no longer plays a role or matters, an elite few are in a powerful position to manipulate 99%+ of the rest of us; Winner Takes All.
- 5G/6G has the effect of a strobe, driving users into sympathetic overdrive (even more powerfully than 3G/4G), creating havoc with the natural and healthy biological frequencies of humans and other living things. We effectively become robots and guinea pigs in the transhumanist experiment.
- Harriet Tubman: “I freed 1,000 slaves; I could have freed 1,000 more if they knew they were slaves.”
- How will edge computing influence the decision of fiber-optical wired versus wireless? Edge computing will likely make IoT devices coupled with 5G networks operate more efficiently. This new technology appears supportive of both options. Requires further study and confirmation.
- There appears a vicious circle of faster 4G/5G and a significant decline in behavioral health. This is part of a larger societal problem that supports instant gratification, which in turns leads to addiction. The 4G/5G business model is based on promoting addiction, which creates revenue streams based on advertising: the greater the addiction, the larger the revenues. Hyperpolarization, an Internet for Things (rather than people), Surveillance Capitalism, and Transhumanism, which subtracts Heart and replaces it with cyborg machines, are all negatively synergistic leading to a downward spiral in human mental health. The path of Big Heart Intelligence is, if it is even possible, to develop an international standard that addresses health, environmental, privacy, and other harms along with the actual (not claimed) benefits of 5G/AI/IoT networks.
- Given these trends and infrastructure, it is easy to see how the wireless industry feels threatened, and therefore resistant to health, environmental, and privacy standards that will establish a legal basis for liability. Hyperpolarization does not even allow a reasonable conversation and rebalancing around such questions.
- The pernicious trend of government surveillance is intensifying in countries like North Korea and China that are using cell phones as digital panopticons to spy on users’ behavioral patterns and privacy, in addition to providing instant facial recognition.
- None of the candidates running for president has addressed any of the critical issues raised in this podcast. Bernie Sanders ducks the issue in his “broadband for all” program which is ambiguous because broadband can included both wired and wireless options. As emphasized throughout this podcast, the devil is in the details and what is the wise balance, if it can be achieved at all?
Technology Run Amok/Bringing Heart into Advanced Technology Development/Transhumanism
- Bringing Consciousness to AI/5G
- Big Heart Intelligence and Advanced Technology Development
- Transhumanism
National Policy
Strategic Technologies and Industries
- Julian Gresser, Partners in Prosperity—Strategic Industries for the United States and Japan
- The Trigger Method
- Julian Gresser, Inventing for Humanity—A Collaborative Strategy for Global Survival
- Richard J. Elkus, Winner Take All–How Competetiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations
State and Local Alternatives to 5G
- Timothy Schoechle, Reinventing Wires
- Timothy Schoechle, Regaining Local Control Over Cellular Wireless Facilities in CO
- Thomas H. Greco, Jr., Solar Dollars
- Camilla Rees, Wired vs. Wireless blog post
Julian Gresser is an international attorney, professional negotiator, inventor, and recognized expert on East Asia. He is currently CEO of Big Heart Technologies, a California Benefit Corporation that is developing a suite of educational courses related to Big Heart Intelligence and Integral Resilience. He has developed a legal, political, and practical business strategy to Redirect the 5G/AI/IoT Juggernaut toward a direction that is safe, secure, environmentally protective, and compassionate.
Timothy Schoechle PhD, Timothy has been in the communications and computer engineering fields since the mid-1970s and engaged in standardization since the early 1980s in a variety of both expert and leadership roles. He is active in various international standards educational and research initiatives including the biennial SIIT conference (Standardization and Innovation in IT) and an international journal on standards research. He presently serves as Secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 (Data Management and Interchange). Dr. Schoechle played pioneering roles in such technologies as microprocessors, home networks, barcodes, RFID, VoIP, and energy systems. He served on the University of Colorado, Boulder, College of Engineering faculty, teaching one of the few standards courses in the world. He served a key role in founding its standards research center. Dr. Schoechle holds a BS from Pepperdine University, and an MS and PhD from the University of Colorado. When not traveling for work, he lives in Boulder and is a consultant, advising governments, organizations, and law firms on standards policy and patent issues. More
Camilla Rees, MBA. Camilla is a former financial industry executive who has more recently been a researcher, author, and producer on technology risks. She has studied widely in medical, scientific, complementary and alternative medicine, health enhancement and self-empowerment fields for twenty-five years and serves as a personal and business consultant to change agents.Camilla founded Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications,, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools and co-founded the International EMF Alliance, in Oslo, Norway. She is Senior Policy Advisor to the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy in Washington, D.C., where she oversees policy papers on electromagnetic fields, the smart grid and telecommunications, including the recent “Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks”. This paper explains why hard-wired, fiber optics to the premises (FTTP) is superior to wireless access networks and the planned “antenna densification”, and the safer alternative to 5G. Camilla has organized dozens of expert panels on technology risks across the country for a decade, including several groundbreaking programs on special risks to children, and has presented six times at the Commonwealth Club of California, the nation’s leading public affairs forum. More
T.W. Kang BA, MBA. T.W. is Managing Director of Global Synergy Associates, a management consulting practice focused on enhancing global competence of multinational high technology firms. He has had the rare experience of serving on the corporate boards of four companies spanning Japan, China and the U.S. He served on the board of directors of NEC Electronics, a multi-billion dollar semiconductor firm in a manner which was exceptional for a Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section listed company: a director who is foreign, independent, industry-insider, and hands-on. In addition to regular fiduciary and governance duties, he aggressively and constructively promoted and developed alliance opportunities. As a board member of gEM Services, he enabled the formation of a power semiconductor module manufacturing joint venture with Mitsubishi Electric in Hefei, China. As a prior step to this milestone, he successfully negotiated and executed the transfer of an entire Mitsubishi power module production line to gEM’s facility in Shanghai. More
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