SAFE G: Empowering Resilient Communities

Mission. To empower local communities to design immediate and effective SAFE G solutions that implement optical fiber wired to the home and office. Local taxpayers and ratepayers are entitled to this alternative to wireless, because they have already paid for it. Please see: Irregulators v. FCC.

5G/AI/Internet of Things Juggernaut presents an imminent threat. The harms to our community’s physical and mental health, the local environment, violations of citizen’s rights to due process, property, and personal privacy are foreseeable and preventable. The threat is especially dangerous to our children, elderly people, those with special sensitivities, disabled persons with chronic illnesses, caregivers, and our economically disadvantaged and minority communities that have no escape in their homes or workplaces.

Remedy: Community Empowerment: An effective remedy begins with widespread education and training in a proven system of wise leadership, community organization, team building, and negotiation. With this purpose we have created a 5G Dojo to support local communities around the world that are facing similar challenges. The key is to share negotiation successes and practical experience, so these lessons can be immediately deployed within the network. Equally essential is to fortify community-wide resilience rapidly and effectively. (See: 5 Minutes toResilience)

Our Funding Goal: $ 100,000

Donations: Please make your check or money order payable to National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy, designated for "SAFE G/Community Empowerment Initiative". You can contribute in two ways.

o   Simple donation with full tax deduction.

o   Partial tax deduction (at cost) with benefits. Please see benefit levels below.

Sponsors: Please contact us to discuss any questions or concerns and customized donation options.

Springs of Amethysts - $100

  • Public Recognition as a Community Health Charter Sponsor
  • Signed copy of Julian Gresser, Piloting through Chaos—Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (1995)
  • Free gift of the 5 Minutes to Resilience web app

Rivulets of Moonstones - $500

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 5 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 5 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sparkles of Opal - $1K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Public Lecture in Your Honor
  • 10 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 10 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Fountains of Pearls - $5K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • ½ day workshop training and consultation with any organization or company

Jade Eddies - $10K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • Two ½ day workshop, training and consultation with any organization or company of your choice
  • 20 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 20 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sapphire Brooks of Laughing Hearts - $25K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 1 day of professional consultation and meetings

Ruby Streams of Laughing Hearts - $35K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • One full day training program with materials for organization of choice to you.
  • 50 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 50 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Emerald Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $50K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Two full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice
  • 100 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 100 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Diamond Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $100K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Four full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice.
  • 200 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 200 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Community Empowerment Checklist:

The Santa Barbara Protocol

Leveling the Playing Field at the Local Level

  • File an Informational Request with City Council and Board of Supervisors, seeking a or Status Report/Plans for the 4G/5G Roll Out, pointing out the foreseeable and preventable harms.
  • Implement EMF Monitoring especially around most vulnerable populations–children, schools, parks, hospitals, retirement communities, firefighters/first responders, caregivers
  • Prepare a Health Audit on the number of people in the community who are already ill from EMF radiation, or whose illnesses can be closely linked to such exposure
  • Continue negotiations on Information Request at several levels with Mayor, City Council, State Representatives to obtain answers which should be widely disseminated.
  • Introduce Clinical Electromagnetics to the medical community, including sending letters to CEOs of major hospitals.
  • Begin collaborating with doctors who will write Protective Letters for their patients. (template forms available)
  • Survey how many workplaces are preparing to install 4G/5G and irradiate their workers. How many are concerned and want to take protective measures for their workers?
  • Survey how many tenants are aware of their legal rights to a 4G/5 radiation free environment.
  • Explore the role of mediation in helping to find an effective way to harmonize the interests of employers and landlords with workers and tenants.
  • Prepare a Protective Ordinance based on best practices and negotiate its inclusion on the City Council Agenda.
  • Prepare and present a legal memorandum for responsible local officials confirming their legal rights and local authority to resist FCC/industry bullying, as asserted in FCC rule making.
  • Engage counsel to provide Letters of Objection (template forms available) to all responsible officials at the local and county levels, as well as the telecom providers on behalf of clients who refuse to be irradiated.
  • Forge effective collaborations with key local officials and state representatives to stand up to the telecom providers.
  • Build Strategic Alliances with local environmental, consumer, health, caregiver, and other non-profit organizations and concerned corporations.
  • Launch a public education program on RF microwave radiation, legal rights, and Self Care protocols.
  • Develop and Implement a Collaborative Fundraising Action Plan to ensure the enterprise is financially self-sustaining.
  • Investigate who is paying for (compensating) victims of the harms of the 4G/5G roll out, when insurance coverage and a public bond are absent.
  • Assess whether there has been any breach of the basic contract between the City and the telecom providers.
  • Arrange for a Forensic Audit to confirm who owns, paid for, and is currently using the wired infrastructure, and any irregularities relating to use of tax payer monies or ratepayer overcharges.
  • Injunctive Relief. If necessary, file a Law Suit in the local Superior Court seeking a restraining order or injunction to halt the further implementation of 4G/5G pending satisfactory resolution of the issues of foreseeable harms to health, environment, privacy, and public security.
  • Prepare Plaintiffs and Witnesses for Personal Injury Litigation.  Begin preparing the most powerful personal injury cases, with the advice of experienced counsel, with best available experts to initiate on behalf of victims of RF Microwave Radiation.
  • Arrange for a series of town meetings welcoming all members of the community to express their concerns, as well as the telecom providers to explain the technology and cite any precautionary measures they have adopted.
  • Town Meetings. Arrange for a series of town meetings welcoming all members of the community to express their concerns, as well as the telecom providers to explain the technology and cite any precautionary measures they have adopted.
  • Hold a Referendum based on the town meetings and let the community decide.