Equanimity (non-reactivity)
When the universe roars, the heavenly dragon watches with pure delight. (Zen canon)
Audio: Equanimity
I have no sword. I make absence of self, my sword. I have no armor. I make compassion my armor. I have no life or death. I make the tides of breathing my life and death. (14th century samurai)
- We needn’t believe our thoughts or emotions, or the stories based upon them.
- Practicing horse stance, we imagine we are in a great bamboo grove.
- We can reclaim our inner power by bringing kindness and self-compassion to our anguish and pain. It is a place of rest and humanity.
Resilience Advantage:
- Being willing to explore our own anguish with kindness and compassion, we will discover, as we journey deeper, vast resources, including time and creativity, we scarcely imagine we possess.
- Paul Reps, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
- Trevor Leggett, The Tiger’s Cave
- Creating Your Own Luck