Goals HHTI section
- Establish a detailed record of abuse of authority, arbitrary and capricious actions which we will seek to reverse by an appeal to the DC Circuit;
- Broadly expose that fact this extraordinarily reckless program is being allowed by the FCC without requiring SpaceX and other satellite companies to certify insurance or contractual indemnification;
- Require the FCC to assess the health and environmental impacts of the whole satellite/terrestrial base station program;
- Introduce new metrics and methodologies drawn from spectrum management technologies to measure RFR/magnetic field interference on biological organisms and systems;
- Initiate a long overdue process of interagency consultation and review, supporting other federal agencies to push back on FCC encroachment of their own jurisdictions, missions, and prerogatives. Begin with a Petition for Rulemaking to the FDA.
Protect Local Community Health—To condition the location and deployment of the licensed earth stations on a full assessment and mitigation plan that addresses all foreseeable and preventable harms to the health and wellbeing of local communities throughout the U.S.
Preserve the Public Trust in the Heavens from Commercial Exploitation—To require the FCC to develop principled rule making in the launch and deployment of 50,000-100,000 satellites taking account of the high probability of harms to the health of millions of people around the world, the further despoliation of the planetary environment, the risks and damages from collisions, interference with weather prediction, and astronomical research, the exorbitant costs and financial risks of past failed similar attempts, and the distinct possibility of exposing the U.S. to $ billions in legal liability resulting from lawsuits filed by injured parties in other countries.