Meeting the 5G Network Challenge:
Ringside Seat™
Podcast Series #2
Privacy, Free Expression, and Government Surveillance in a New World of 5G/AI/Internet of Things (with Attorney Lawrence Walters)
5G Ringside Seat Podcasts introduces the work of leading experts, working on the new frontier of 5G law, policy, science, technology, and innovation. Although the goal is to cause a redirect toward a safer, greener, more resilient, and life affirming national and international industrial infrastructure, many different perspectives are welcome, expressed by distinguished panelists, in a spirit of free, open, and respectful dialogue.
Interview # 2: Lawrence Walters
- Consumer Organizations: • Electronic Frontier Foundation – • Bill of Rights Defense Committee –
- The First Amendment prohibits government actions that create a chilling effect on speech. Lamont v. Postmaster General, 381 U.S. 301 (1965)
- Reforms – USA Freedom Act – Senate/Introduced by Sen. Pat Leahy, July 2014 • Substantial improvement over weakened House Version • Would end bulk collection of cell phone data allowed under Section 215 of the Patriot Act • Future collection efforts would be based on reasonable suspicion, and focused only on an “individual, account, or personal device” • Creates “special advocate” position for FISA Court hearings; Special advocate will serve to protect civil liberties and privacy • Requires the declassification of ‘significant’ FISA Court decisions • Requires new reporting procedures relating to NSL letters and warrantless ‘backdoor’ searches.
- California data rights statute:
- China and 5G surveillance
- ACLU v. NSA–
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