SAFE G: Empowering Resilient Communities

Mission. To empower local communities to design immediate and effective SAFE G solutions that implement optical fiber wired to the home and office. Local taxpayers and ratepayers are entitled to this alternative to wireless, because they have already paid for it. Please see: Irregulators v. FCC.

5G/AI/Internet of Things Juggernaut presents an imminent threat. The harms to our community’s physical and mental health, the local environment, violations of citizen’s rights to due process, property, and personal privacy are foreseeable and preventable. The threat is especially dangerous to our children, elderly people, those with special sensitivities, disabled persons with chronic illnesses, caregivers, and our economically disadvantaged and minority communities that have no escape in their homes or workplaces.

Remedy: Community Empowerment: An effective remedy begins with widespread education and training in a proven system of wise leadership, community organization, team building, and negotiation. With this purpose we have created a 5G Dojo to support local communities around the world that are facing similar challenges. The key is to share negotiation successes and practical experience, so these lessons can be immediately deployed within the network. Equally essential is to fortify community-wide resilience rapidly and effectively. (See: 5 Minutes toResilience)

Our Funding Goal: $ 100,000

Donations: Please make your check or money order payable to National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy, designated for "SAFE G/Community Empowerment Initiative". You can contribute in two ways.

o   Simple donation with full tax deduction.

o   Partial tax deduction (at cost) with benefits. Please see benefit levels below.

Sponsors: Please contact us to discuss any questions or concerns and customized donation options.

Springs of Amethysts - $100

  • Public Recognition as a Community Health Charter Sponsor
  • Signed copy of Julian Gresser, Piloting through Chaos—Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (1995)
  • Free gift of the 5 Minutes to Resilience web app

Rivulets of Moonstones - $500

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 5 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 5 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sparkles of Opal - $1K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Public Lecture in Your Honor
  • 10 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 10 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Fountains of Pearls - $5K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • ½ day workshop training and consultation with any organization or company

Jade Eddies - $10K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • Two ½ day workshop, training and consultation with any organization or company of your choice
  • 20 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 20 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sapphire Brooks of Laughing Hearts - $25K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 1 day of professional consultation and meetings

Ruby Streams of Laughing Hearts - $35K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • One full day training program with materials for organization of choice to you.
  • 50 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 50 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Emerald Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $50K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Two full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice
  • 100 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 100 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Diamond Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $100K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Four full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice.
  • 200 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 200 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Self Care

Self Care

“No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance.”

Robert Holden, Ph.D. author, psychologist, philosopher

Blue Cliff Record Case # 94 —Dongshan is well.

Dongshan was ill. A student asked, “You’re unwell. Is there someone, after all, who isn’t sick?” Dongshan said, “There is.” “Does the one who isn’t sick take care of you?” continued the student; “I’m actually taking care of that one.” Dongshan observed. “What’s it like when you take care of that one?” continued the student. “Then I don’t see that there is illness,” Dongshan replied.

Audio–Caring for That One


  • Simply enjoy being you.
  • And make happiness a first priority in your life.

Resilience Advantage:

  • When you can accept (love) yourself, you begin to love your life more deeply, no matter what happens; they are inseparable. Everything—inner and outer—suddenly shifts.

Reference Links:


5 Minutes to Resilience App

Integral Resilience for Busy People

Integral Resilience is the Rosetta Stone for Behavioral Change underlying Robust Health, Life Force, Imagination, Creativity, and Longevity.

What if it can be cultivated in 5 minutes of practice a few times each week?

Everyone these days, it seems, is overly busy. Some even call it a malady, because “busy-ness” can be closely linked with overload, fatigue, burnout, and depression.

5M2R is designed with busy people in mind. It accepts busy-ness as a way of living, but offers a path to having better balance.

What if you can continue to be busy – if you like being busy – but there is a way not to sacrifice what is really precious in life – what matters most? We have designed 5M2R to dovetail effortlessly with your busy schedule.

Note on Integral Resilience and Immunity in the Age of Coronavirus

Monthly or Annual Subscriptions

Monthly and Annual subscriptions give you 30 days free trial – cancel anytime before 30 days to not have your card charged.
To subscribe click any of the links below:

Subscribe Monthly: $9.95/mo
Subscribe Annually: $94.95/yr

We have designed 5M2R to fit into your busy schedule!


You can spread exploring the 5M2R modules over many weeks and months. Each 52MR practice takes about five minutes – to listen to the audios, ponder the material, explore the questions and prepare for action.


Many of us want help with specific pressing resilience issues. 5M2R will recommend the most effective and responsive modules on-demand. Learning and developing personal resilience is a very personal journey.


5M2R follows a natural sequence to learn Integral Resilience, where each module builds upon the ones before.


Surprisingly, practicing 5M2R augments time. Small spaces open and create opportunities; our priorities shift, and we can accomplish far more with less effort.

A Core Life Competency


Building Integral Resilience offers powerful leverage for busy people in another way: it is a foundational skill that underlies and empowers all other positive behaviors.


There is increasing scientific evidence that life-affirming “positive” behaviors have beneficial effects on a large spectrum of human challenges, including recovering from trauma, managing chronic illnesses, building adaptive vitality, and even longevity. Integral resilience is a foundation for addressing all of these life challenges.


We call this the “Resilient Multiplier Effect.” In business terms, making a modest investment of your time in cultivating Integral Resilience can yield benefit streams lasting a lifetime.

of 5 Minutes to Resilience


Resilience can be maintained, even enhanced, well into advanced age – a NASA’s core finding.


Fortifies behavioral changes that support best medical protocols for a wide spectrum of health challenges, including health literacy, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, hypertension, and pain management.


Provides an effective and measurable antidote to burnout, loneliness, and depression.


Enables you to multiply knowledge and resilience through Exploration, Discovery, Creativity, and Innovation


Create your own luck by Paying Forward the benefits you receive to others in your community.


Measurably increases your Integral Resilience Quotient (IRQ) and provides practical ways to apply this core life competency beneficially and practically in your personal and professional life.

of 5M2R Modules

Full Spectrum Resilience Building – building resilience in every aspect of life

Each 5M2R Module includes a focused short power message, often with audio, identifies the Goal, the Action(s), the Resilience Advantage that can be gleaned from engaging the module, and Reference links.

Short, fast acting resilience practices – for your most difficult challenges

Continuous coaching tips, stimulating ideas, and links.

An integral and “holographic” system connecting Mind/Brain—Heart—and Hand

Practically applies “Intertidal Thinking”—a powerful means to transcend narrow silos of professional specialization

Short Meditations or Contemplations curated from the world’s wisdom traditions

Practice References to further explore the topic of building resilience

Complete Member Privacy of your own personalized data, so your app usage remains secret to yourself

Access to the Integral Resilience Online Codex documenting how resilience is essential in every professional discipline and important concern in life

Mobile ready – can run on any device

What are the 5M2R Modules?

Introduces Big Heart Intelligence as a practical method to cultivate and to apply the subtle energy of Qi and Love for personal, family, organizational, and community health, vitality, and resilience.

Transcends mindfulness training by balancing inner cultivation with kindness and compassion in the act of Paying Forward

Offers a novel way to cultivate stamina, adaptability, flexibility. vitality, wisdom, balance, flow, and love—values that societies throughout history have held most precious; but have lacked a practical means to account for and therefore have treated as non-economic in nature.

Connects Integral Resilience to an expanding Collaborative Integral Resilience Codex of applications in many fields and disciplines.

The Integral Resilience Quotient (IRQ) – offering a practical and quantifiable way to measure enhanced resilience for individuals, families, organizations, and communities.

Tracking, Evaluation, and Delivering Continuous Enhanced Performance

IRQ (Integral Resilience Quotient) Baseline and Progress Tracking Questionnaire

Use 5M2R daily, every few days, or as the need arises

More Membership Value

Member Discounts for other products and services

Free webinars and discounts for pay webinars

Analytics for Resilience – Resource Directory

Monthly or Annual Subscriptions

Monthly and Annual subscriptions give you 30 days free trial – cancel anytime before 30 days to not have your card charged.
To subscribe click any of the links below:

Subscribe Monthly: $9.95/mo
Subscribe Annually: $94.95/yr


Building Integral Resilience and Big Heart IQ in 5-minutes a day!

Integral Resilience is the Rosetta Stone for Behavioral Change underlying Robust Health, Life Force, Imagination, Creativity, and Longevity. What if it can be cultivated in 5 minutes of practice per day?


Be like water, my friend

Bruce Lee, Martial Arts Grandmaster


Action:  Stop. Look, Go … with the Flow

Resilience Advantage:

  • Flow is the antidote to obstacles, blockages, and impediments of all kinds.
  • When communities are able to increase the state of flow, they experience greater degrees of health, vitality, resilience, and happiness.
  • These benefits will multiply, enabling these communities to reach a tipping point of positive transformational change.

Reference Links:

Bruce Lee Youtube

Finding Your Power

Connecting to Nature

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi TED Talk: Flow, The Secret to Happiness


Emotional Balance

Building Integral Resilience and Big Heart IQ in 5-minutes a day!

Integral Resilience is the Rosetta Stone for Behavioral Change underlying Robust Health, Life Force, Imagination, Creativity, and Longevity. What if it can be cultivated in 5 minutes of practice per day?

How to Achieve Emotional Balance

Take life lightly and you will not be afraid.

Treat each moment equally and your mind will be a peace.

Masters of Huainan



  • In 5 minutes learn to regain balance in any situation, even under the most trying conditions. 


  • Baby steps
  • Focusing on what you can easily manage: your actions, also not believing your thoughts or stories as necessarily true.
  • Quieting Your Heart.
  • Discovering Beauty in the world.

Resilience Advantage:

  • Emotional balance is a gate to wuwei, effortless uncontrived action that naturally follows the flow of universe (Tao).

Reference Links:

Quieting the Heart


Paying Forward

Building Integral Resilience and Big Heart IQ in 5-minutes a day!

Integral Resilience is the Rosetta Stone for Behavioral Change underlying Robust Health, Life Force, Imagination, Creativity, and Longevity. What if it can be cultivated in 5 minutes of practice per day?

Paying Forward

Beware of too much good coming your way; it will worm worms.

Hasten to pay it forward

Line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Essay on Compensation)



Pay forward today any good that comes your way without asking anything in return, and observe what happens, if anything!

Resilience Advantage:

  • Paying forward enables the vital energies of qi and love to flow.
  • It does not take too many acts of paying forward to generate a Resilience Multiplier Effect
  • Leading to a Tipping Point of kindness, generosity, and love.

Reference Links:

Laughing Heart—A Field Guide to Exuberant Vitality—10 Essential Moves

My Personal Resilience Journey