On Obstacles and Reverses: Turning Adversity to Advantage
Virtually everyone on this earth nourishes a passion or cause. Some burn fiercely on the surface; others are kept secretly in the heart; for some people life’s blows, buffets, and disappointments fall so heavily, they scarcely have time or energy to consider such questions. This course offers a practical methodology to help you articulate and carry out your passion or cause effectively and robustly. If you consider this path—the following Audio takes about 3 minutes—you are already on your way. You already have Resilience Advantage!
Resilient Negotiator Pro Course
Complete Resilient Negotiation System

Online Interactive “Living” Course, including complete training and practice materials. Unlike conventional “static” course offerings The Resilient Negotiator continuously learns, adapts, and updates to the challenges, interests, and suggestions of the participants.
Piloting Through Chaos—The Explorers Mind (2013)
Monthly Webinars on Special Applications:
During 1981-1983 Julian Gresser offered a unique course, Legal and Policy Issues of Strategic Technologies and Industries”that was made open for registration to Harvard and MIT faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students. The course, which was very positively received, was presented as a dialogue, featuring leading scholars and experts from Harvard and MIT, on a wide range of technical fields, including semiconductors, computers, telecommunications, robotics, and biotechnology.

We will adopt the same successful format, in collaboration with leading domain experts, in a monthly webinar series based on the core Resilient Negotiator course.
First Webinar — The Resilient Organization
- Your Greatest Negotiation Challenges?
- Resilient Negotiation Basics
- The 5 Rings™ as a Universal Guide to Decision Making in Negotiations
- The Art of the Question
- Going Behind the Mask
- Resilience Multiplier Advantage: Paying Forward and Creating Your Own Luck
- Negotiating in Teams
- Analytics
- Essentials of Mastery
The Resilient Organization
The smartest investment your organization can make is to invest in the health, vitality, and happiness of your employees.
In-house Training and Coaching

The Integral Resilience Negotiation System can be customized to the specific challenges, participants, and other requirements of your organization.
Platform Integration
Secure, hosted private tenancy applications, group management, and platform integration.

Learning Organization
Because every element of The Resilient Negotiator system builds integral resilience, small victories or recoveries in specific instances, encoded by each move, can be rapidly communicated to enhance the overall health, wellness, and adaptive capacity of your entire organization.
Learning Collaborative
Membership in the Learning Collaborative

Learning Collaborative for a growing international network of organization, thought leaders, advocates, activists, innovators, and community organizers.
An expanding database of practical applications of the Resilient Negotiator platform.

5 Minutes to Resilience
Bi-weekly Training Tips to hone negotiation skills and prevent burnout.
Online Q&A
Online Q&A in the Resilient Negotiator system.

My Negotiation Journal
Enables players to create their own Journal tracking performance and plays in system.
Ringside Seat
Weekly analysis of prominent negotiations in the news with expert commentaries.
Critical Questions
What are 5 Negotiation Challenges that if met will give you an immediate advantage?

The 5 Rings: How can you instantly tell in any negotiation where you are, where you should be, what errors you or your team may have committed, how instantly to correct them, and what is the next best move?
Why is character the critical success factor in all negotiations, and how might it even possible to change character?
What is the Art of the Question and how can you apply it practically in every business negotiation or other spheres of action in your life?

The Explorers Wheel: How can you develop cognitive power and the capacity for “inter-tidal thinking”, the innovator’s gold?
How can you effectively identify the Shadow Players (those who consciously or unconsciously grasp for wealth, power, notoriety, or revenge as a primary driving force) and how practically and wisely to deal with them?
What is your system for Going Behind the Mask, to anticipate challenges months in advance and to find the sweet spot for building successful and sustainable strategic alliances?
Why is Paying Forward Your Wins the secret to reducing Need?

How to build Sustainable Trust, the linchpin for all successful collaborative relationships?
How can you build Integral Resilience and Big Heart Intelligence, a fountainhead for good health, vitality, creativity, happiness, and longevity by simply honing your skills as a Resilient Negotiator?
Julian Gresser
Career Highlights as a Professional Negotiator

Julian Gresser is an international attorney, social entrepreneur, professional negotiator, inventor, and recognized expert on Japan. As a negotiator his most dramatic success involved helping a San Francisco-based trading company transform its $8 million after-tax branch into a $1 billion Japanese company in seven years. This transaction originated by Julian Gresser and his colleague, Professor James E. Schrager, has come to be called “Going Public Japanese Style” adopting the title of an article they jointly authored in the Wall Street Journal. From 1976-1983 he was twice Visiting Mitsubishi Professor at the Harvard Law School and also taught courses as a Visiting Professor at MIT on the legal issues of strategic industries. He has been a Visiting Professor at Beijing University, where he taught seminars on Japanese and U.S. environmental law, and also helped the Chinese environmental authorities draft China’s Marine Pollution Control Law.
In 1981 Julian Gresser co-founded The Pacific Law Group, with offices in Los Angeles and Tokyo, in partnership with another American expert on Japanese law, the former CEO of the Bank of Tokyo, and the former Director of the Tax Bureau of the Ministry of Finance. Julian Gresser has served as legal and business advisor to numerous U.S., Japanese, and European companies on a wide array of business issues, including joint ventures, limited (venture capital) partnerships, technology licensing, export controls and customs fraud, antitrust, and intellectual property protection, particularly patent infringement disputes. He has been a senior consultant to the U.S. State Department, The World Bank, The Prime Minister’s Office of Japan, The People’s Republic of China, and the European Commission (where he trained the Commission’s Japanese negotiating teams). He is the author of eight books in English and Japanese, including most recently two online “living” books and a new series of online courses based on the algorithm of Integral Resilience. MORE
Consulting, In-house Training Engagements, and Participants in Workshops

“The emphasis throughout Piloting Through Chaos is on negotiation, but the analysis and wisdom go well beyond that now available in the literature. This volume is a breakthrough in the use of words, thought processes and managing behavior responsibly.”
– Oliver Oldman, Learned Hand Professor (Emeritus), Harvard Law School
“Julian Gresser assesses some of the fundamental aspects of human behavior. Any negotiator, however experienced, will find new insights in this book.”
– Peter Price, Honorary Member of the European Parliament
“One portfolio company had been mired in negotiations with a foreign company for over a year. In one day’s training, they put together a new plan and team, and three months later closed an OEM agreement worth millions.”
– Dr. Chuck K. Chan, General Partner, Alpine Technology Ventures
“IPOs in China and Japan, inventions in clean energy, decoding Japanese negotiation strategies, incubators for creativity and innovation, the role of beauty in discovery and bringing ideas to market—Julian Gresser is a Renaissance man with an amazing array of achievements and gifts.”
– John Tarrant, Zen master, author, Bring Me the Rhinoceros and other works
“Gresser is an international attorney, but also a 21st Century Renaissance Man, with a lifetime of experience in business, music, martial arts, invention, and meditation.”
– Kenneth Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong and Honoring the Medicine
“Julian Gresser’s work shows with insight, style and imagination how integrity, that most fundamental of human virtues, continues to be vital to success, and even survival, in the ongoing negotiation of life in our rapidly changing world. The added value in Piloting Through Chaos is the author’s suggestions on how integrity can be cultivated by conscious thought and action, and on how core integrity can affect outcomes in a variety of contexts.”
– Peter L. Murray, Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
“The market is flooded with books and tapes about negotiating, but no one, until now, offers insight into the underlying essence of our interpersonal abilities. This fresh approach, if followed, can be transforming for us as individuals, and as a nation.”
– Claudine Schneider, Former U.S. Congresswoman
“Julian is 100% invested in teaching; an active listener; dedicated to ensuring that the class learns; he is high in energy and empathetic. What would my comments be to future participants? Exciting; out-of-the-box; has life application; fundamental to all relationships.”
– Bobbie Busha, Manager, BellSouth
“We need a cultural revolution as transformative as were the scientific and industrial revolutions. If human culture is to survive without unacceptable impacts on the planetary environment, we must live differently as a culture. This means that the arts and humanities are on the front lines of collaborating with scientists and engineers, we need a ‘second renaissance.’ Julian Gresser, in the second edition of “Piloting through Chaos,” presents a sharply focused methodology for attacking some of the urgent problems and seizing the new opportunities.”
– Roger Malina, Editor, Leonardo
“Julian Gresser is one of those rarest of teachers. He embodies the wisdom that he shares. His pioneering work in negotiation is a quantum leap in human understanding and will move people to their highest level of truth and accomplishment. The value is incalculable, not only to individuals, but to our society.”
– Michael Fitzgerald, Former Director, Washington State Department of Trade & Economic Development
“There is widespread agreement that leadership at any level and in any area requires integrity in the person, the practice, and the profession. It is also clear that this is no easy, simple task, nor can it remain at the mercy of luck, sentimental or institutional formation. Julian Gresser – lawyer, scholar, martial artist, and street-smart practitioner – now makes available the teaching and achievement of integrity in its integral form. As a foundation president, former commissioner, ambassador, and university president, I have had occasion to enlist Julian’s remarkable system and energies. He/it is a godsend for our troubled times and leaders.”
– Dr. Glen A. Olds, U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO
Purchase the Resilient Negotiator
Basic training one-time price
Basic training one-time price
+ 2 year membership in the Online Dojo.
Beginning in 2020, twenty percent of net revenues will be allocated to charitable non-profit causes.
Officially Registered college students will receive a 20% discount on all courses and other programs.
Special pricing is available to nonprofit organizations. Please contact us.
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