SAFE G: Empowering Resilient Communities

Mission. To empower local communities to design immediate and effective SAFE G solutions that implement optical fiber wired to the home and office. Local taxpayers and ratepayers are entitled to this alternative to wireless, because they have already paid for it. Please see: Irregulators v. FCC.

5G/AI/Internet of Things Juggernaut presents an imminent threat. The harms to our community’s physical and mental health, the local environment, violations of citizen’s rights to due process, property, and personal privacy are foreseeable and preventable. The threat is especially dangerous to our children, elderly people, those with special sensitivities, disabled persons with chronic illnesses, caregivers, and our economically disadvantaged and minority communities that have no escape in their homes or workplaces.

Remedy: Community Empowerment: An effective remedy begins with widespread education and training in a proven system of wise leadership, community organization, team building, and negotiation. With this purpose we have created a 5G Dojo to support local communities around the world that are facing similar challenges. The key is to share negotiation successes and practical experience, so these lessons can be immediately deployed within the network. Equally essential is to fortify community-wide resilience rapidly and effectively. (See: 5 Minutes toResilience)

Our Funding Goal: $ 100,000

Donations: Please make your check or money order payable to National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy, designated for "SAFE G/Community Empowerment Initiative". You can contribute in two ways.

o   Simple donation with full tax deduction.

o   Partial tax deduction (at cost) with benefits. Please see benefit levels below.

Sponsors: Please contact us to discuss any questions or concerns and customized donation options.

Springs of Amethysts - $100

  • Public Recognition as a Community Health Charter Sponsor
  • Signed copy of Julian Gresser, Piloting through Chaos—Wise Leadership/Effective Negotiation for the 21st Century (1995)
  • Free gift of the 5 Minutes to Resilience web app

Rivulets of Moonstones - $500

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 5 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 5 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sparkles of Opal - $1K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Public Lecture in Your Honor
  • 10 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 10 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Fountains of Pearls - $5K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • ½ day workshop training and consultation with any organization or company

Jade Eddies - $10K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • Two ½ day workshop, training and consultation with any organization or company of your choice
  • 20 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 20 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Sapphire Brooks of Laughing Hearts - $25K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • 1 day of professional consultation and meetings

Ruby Streams of Laughing Hearts - $35K

  • All of the above awards (except memberships) plus:
  • One full day training program with materials for organization of choice to you.
  • 50 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 50 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Emerald Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $50K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Two full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice
  • 100 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 100 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Diamond Rivers of Laughing Hearts - $100K

  • All of the above awards plus:
  • Four full day training programs with materials for organizations of your choice.
  • 200 Free Copies of 5 Minutes to Resilience App
  • 200 Free Copies of My Personal Resilience Journey/The Resilient Negotiator/Realizing Your Passion/Advancing Your Cause online courses

Note on Integral Resilience and Immunity

Note on Integral Resilience and Immunity in the Age of Coronavirus

There is a clear nexus between immunity and resilience at a physical, organizational, and community-wide level: when resilience is enhanced, immunity is strengthened; when resilience is compromised, immunity is impaired. 

We documented this strong correlation at least a year ago in the Integral Resilience Codex before the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic. What is not scientifically proven at this point is whether simple non-pharmaceutical steps to strengthen resilience will ward off or mitigate in any way the destructive path of corona.

However, there is strong scientific evidence that learning to maintain balance, equanimity, compassion, and vitality in the face of uncertainty will enhance the chances of survival in times of crisis and accelerate recovery from trauma.

30 Day Free Trial—We believe it is possible to make steady incremental progress in cultivating Integral Resilience by focusing on one “move” involving 5 minutes of practice several times each week. As many people are being quarantined or electing to stay at home during the corona epidemic, this can be a wonderful opportunity to work on developing your personal resilience and helping others do so. What is most important to us is that you validate the 5M2R app for yourself. Therefore, we are offering this Free 30-Day Trial. You may find the following references useful. We welcome your comments.

Viruses and Resilience


Immunity and Resilience (oxidative stress)

Lead Your Business through the Corona Crisis

Interview on Integral Resilience with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, New Thinking Allowed


  • Topic # 1—Overview/Basics (15 minutes)
  • Topic # 1—Overview/Basics (15 minutes)
  • Case of the Swedish Builder: The Shadow Game and how it is played (in a nutshell).
  • What is your “System?”
  • Negotiation Re-defined: Why a simple definition can shape your destiny?
  • Need and its Manifestations: Why to be wary of Need?
  • Topic # 2—Applications to 5G:The Five Rings™: What is the Best Move? (15 Minutes)
    • What do we REALLY want?
    • What is our Mission? (*See Global Healing Manifesto)
    • Who are the key decision makers?
    • What is their “Pain”?
    • What is the Agenda?
    • The Power of No Assumptions/No Expectations (*Fundamental Assumptions About 5G)
    • The Power of ‘No’
  • Topic # 3—Big Heart Intelligence: 
    • Seeing the Big Picture
    • Deep Listening
    • Peripheral Vision (5 minutes)
  • Topic # 4—Going Behind the Mask
    • Player Integrity Profiles (10 minutes)
  • Topic # 5—Mastery
    • Continuous Enhanced Performance (5 minutes)
    • Tools—Action Logs
    • Online Coaching in System
    • Protocols of Collaboration
  • Topic # 6—Q&A (5 Minutes)
  • Topic # 7—Next Steps (5 minutes)

Test video